Facts to Know Before Buying Fireplace Toolset

fireplace toolset


Remaining warm and snug inside your home with a cheery fire blazing in the fireplace is an image that is likened to comfort. The glowing warmth comes with a price, however. You will have to take care of cleaning the fireplace meticulously to keep yourself and the family safe from the risks of fire damage. Well, you do not have to resort to the task of chimney sweeping. You can choose to invest in a proper fireplace toolset that will help you to complete the task perfectly.

Sure, the best toolset costs a good amount of money. However, the expense becomes totally justified once you successfully maintain the fireplace perfectly courtesy of the right toolset.

First things first though. You cannot go about searching for a toolset when you do not have an inkling of what is included in the set. You can also try to source each tool separately as opposed to buying an entire set at one go. However, it is essential to know and understand the purpose of each including the pros and cons. Most first-time users find it convenient to buy the entire set together. It is a hassle-free process and maybe a trifle expensive depending on the aesthetic appeal of individual tools as well as its collective advantages. It is usually a good idea to be aware of each tool in the set and buy a few additional tools meant to handle specific tasks.

Types of fireplace tools

  • Tongs– You can move the burning logs within the fireplace by employing the pair of tings. It looks exactly like a kitchen tong and fulfills the same purpose too. Make sure to check the length of its handle for a long handle will give you a better grip with the risks of an accident being few and far between.
  • Poker– Feel free to poke at the wide wooden logs in the fireplace with the aid of a quality poker. The handle of poker must be long enough to reach the furthest log easily. Poking at the fire will enable you to increase oxygen thus allowing the fire to build up rapidly. This one may be listed as a stoker on some websites.
  • Shovel– Control the ash build-up by using a shovel supplied with the toolset. You may scoop out the excess of ash to facilitate the entry of oxygen. This will cause the fire to burn for longer and exude comfortable heat. A seasoned fireplace user would be sure to leave a layer of ash in the fireplace instead of scooping everything. You will be able to light the fire quickly thereby warming up the room perfectly with little effort.
  • Brush– You may find this listed as a broom more often than not. Do not panic, it means the same as a brush. You can keep your room cleaner by sweeping the fallen ash into the fireplace once again. You may use the same bush to clean the fireplace periodically too.

The best fireplace tool set comes with a storage option that lets you either hang the tools or lay them neatly. Upright storage options are available as well.

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