How to grow your mailing list simple and effective ideas

Simple and Effective ideas to Increase your Mailing list


Simple and Effective ideas to Increase your Mailing list

Email marketing is one of the best channels to launch the sales of your website, in addition to Google Adwords which is one of the fastest ways to get sales, as long as you have a good list, of course.

So the hardest part is getting a good email database that is large enough and properly segmented . If you want to build a good email database then do connect to for better guidelines.

When I talk about big, I mean lists of more than 10,000 users , in which with a good email you can notice a direct impact on sales. In order to get good at it you can join the SEO Forum.

10,000 users is a round figure, in your niche the number you need to see results may be much lower, or if you handle much larger websites it may be a ridiculous figure.

That is why in this article we are going to explain different ways to increase your database quickly and more or less cheaply.

With KingSumo, you can create a kind of contest in which the user has to include their email in order to participate.

This platform, although it seems a bit expensive at first, offers many possibilities, such as giving the user additional content for each person who registers through their link.

It offers different ways for users to promote their subscription to said mailing list by giving them different prizes in return.

The key to this technique is to offer something good enough for users to share your affiliate link through social media. You can also reach out to the SEO Company in UAE for better guidance on that.

Adding vitality to get a good prize for free is one of the fastest ways to get a good database.

Offer extra content in your best posts

If you have several well-positioned articles with a good number of daily visits, you can add extra content related to said post to offer users in exchange for their email.

You will have to find your 5 or 10 best content and take the time to create very useful content for each of them.

The key at this point is (again) in the content you are going to offer. It has to be closely related to the post where you are going to offer it, and solve a problem which you have been able to detect that your users have (by checking the comments, for example).

This point would be enough to write another post, but you can apply different techniques. An example could be the pop-up or button where you are going to offer the content.

With this technique in two different niches we have obtained between 3% and 6% conversion (without pop-up, only with a button in the middle and end of the content).

Turn your Home into a super landing

This may be better suited to topics more related to marketing, but with creativity it can also adapt to your niche.

Since the home page is the most visited page (usually) and is the destination of direct traffic , you can use this website as a way to attract users to your database.

This is what you will see if you enter the website, and although we have not seen it (or we have not realized it), surely they will be doing their tests and changes to optimize the conversion rates.

On Matthew Woodward’s blog , he does something similar, but in this case offering the ability to “pass” with a “No thanks” button.

Get 50 subscribers per day

And how do we do it? Well, at the end of the post you have the proof.

A very simple and striking form with the two fundamental fields for registering on the mailing list in all the posts on the web.

In addition, we include the form at the top of the sidebar , and if you have read an article for more than 15 seconds, you have surely seen the nice subscription pop-up .

Oddly enough, because of its simplicity, it works, and on one of our websites this strategy generates 50 leads a day …

If you want to see other effective strategies, in this article to retain customers by email, you will find some very interesting ones. But make sure you will consult an SEO Expert before implementing any of these strategies.

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